Worship With Us
Visitors are always welcome at St. Nicholas. During the week, St. Nicholas is typically open for prayer from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday - Thursday. Our Sunday scheduled services are:
Orthros: 8:15 a.m.
Divine Liturgy: 9:30 a.m.
Who We Are:
St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church is a vibrant community of men and women from every background and age. The Church family continally searches for dynamic ways to serve the Lord, manifest the light of Christ to the world and try to address the needs of all of God's people. St. Nicholas faithfully comes together at the Divine Liturgy every Sunday "In Person", or "Online" to worship the Lord; and in this light discover the manner and means by which to better know Him and do His will. We welcome you in our Church family! We have many Ministries and Educational Ministries. For information regarding our ministries, please call our church office at (757) 422-5600.
All who are watching us "online" and would like to receive communion or a blessing, make a confession, please be reminded that you are most welcome to schedule those for a private time with Fr. John.