Christian Education
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Christian Education

Spanning generations, this program nurtures our most precious resource, our children. Children raised in this program are taught the spiritual values of Greek Orthodoxy, and are given a moral compass to guide them for the rest of their lives.  The goal of our program is simple: we wish to share the message of Christ’s love with our children and for them to live that message every day of their lives as they grow into the adults who will shape our world.

Our Sunday School, equipped with the latest and best teaching aids, a sound yet flexible curriculum, and staff by qualified teachers, has the following three goals:

  • To educate our children spiritually and morally, in accordance with the teachings of Jesus Christ and the faith and traditions of the Greek Orthodox Church.
  • To develop in our children the habit of attending church regularly, studying the Scriptures, and participating conscientiously in the worship and sacramental life of our church.
  • To cultivate in our children a Greek Orthodox conscience and devotion to our ideals and to prepare them so that they become faithful and devoted dynamic members of our church, our community, and our country.





Dear Parents:

We are happy to have your children participate in the Christian Education program at St. Nicholas this 2023-2024 year. Families will worship together during the Divine Liturgy and the children will be dismissed after Holy Communion to their Christian Education classes. Classes will be from 10:45AM to 11:25AM. We will educate our students with the fundamental knowledge of the Orthodox Christian Faith, its message of Salvation and our identity as Orthodox Christians. To equip students with the ability to practice their Orthodox Faith in worship, prayer and action.  Father John will kick-off our year with an Agiasmos Service (Blessing of Water), September 10, 2023 to bless the teachers, students and classrooms.

We use the material developed at the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America Department of Religious Education and, in doing so, we cover all aspects of the faith like Feast Days, Hymns, Prayers, Sacraments, Saints, Church History and Scripture.

The classes and teachers are listed below:

  • Pre-Kindergarten class/must 3 or 4 years old and potty trained-

Eleni Babcock, Melissa Moxen, Alexandra Wakely and Carolynn Mahon

  • Kindergarten and 1st grade class-

Anna Feliberti, Andrea Galanides and Leslie Ullom

  • 2nd and 3rd grade class-

Laura Todorovic, Elena Bruno and Maria Maddox

  • 4th and 5th grade class-

Louisa Cook and Cheryl Tutko

  • 6th, 7th and 8th grade class-

Tommy Cusmina, JoAnn Cusmina and Andrew Wickard

  • 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th grade class-

Thom Maddox, Allison Evans and Jaccy Colton

Registration is necessary ONLY if your child was not in a class last year at St. Nicholas OR if your contact information has changed since last year. If you are uncertain about either, please provide the information. There will be a sign-up table in the social hall each Sunday until classes begin on September 10th. If you would like to register by email, please send all registrations to: Attention: Leslie Ullom/CE registration

Please make attendance a priority and come EVERY Sunday because this is the key to how effectively the lessons taught will reach our children AND consistency makes your child feel more comfortable in church and in the classroom.

Listed below are ALL the Sundays in this 2023-2024 teaching year.   

Sunday, September 10-CLASS, Agiasmos Blessing today

Sunday, September 17-CLASS

Sunday, September 24-CLASS

Sunday, October 1-CLASS

Sunday, October 8-CLASS

Sunday, October 15-CLASS

Sunday, October 22-CLASS

Sunday, October 29-CLASS

Sunday, November 5-CLASS

Sunday, November 12-CLASS

Sunday, November 19-CLASS

Sunday, November 26-NO CLASS this is Thanksgiving’s Day Weekend

Sunday, December 3-CLASS

Sunday, December 10-NO CLASS- Christmas Pageant in church TODAY!!!

Sunday, December 17-CLASS

Sunday, December 24-NO CLASS this is Christmas Weekend

Sunday, December 31-NO CLASS this is NY Day Weekend

Sunday, January 7-CLASS-We will have a Vasilopita in each CLASS today.

Sunday, January 14-CLASS

Sunday, January 21-CLASS

Sunday, January 28-CLASS

Sunday, February 4-CLASS

Sunday, February 11-CLASS

Sunday, February 18-CLASS

Sunday, February 25-CLASS

Sunday, March 3-CLASS

Sunday, March 10-CLASS

The Oratorical Festival, for the Jr/Sr Division is today after the Gospel Reading, during the sermon time. The Middle school and High school classes will need to stay in church as the results will be announced at the end of the Liturgy. ***THIS IS A CLASS DAY FOR THE ELEMENTARY CLASSES.

Sunday, March 17-CLASS

Sunday, March 24- NO CLASS-ICON PROCESSION for Sunday of Orthodoxy is TODAY 

The Oratorical Festival, for the Elementary Division is today and they will present their icons after the procession.

Sunday, March 31-CLASS

Sunday, April 7- NO CLASS-Holy Cross PROCESSION is TODAY    

Sunday, April 14-CLASS

Sunday, April 21-CLASS

(Lazarus Saturday Liturgy/Pancake Breakfast/Palm Folding APRIL 27)

Sunday, April 28- NO CLASS-Palm Sunday PROCESSION is TODAY

Sunday, May 5-NO CLASS-Great and Holy Pascha - Agape Service at 11 AM/ Egg Hunt to follow

Sunday, May 12-CLASS

Sunday, May 19-CLASS (EXCEPT HIGH SCHOOL HAS NO CLASS see below***), This will be the last day in the classroom

*** This is Scholarship Sunday-The high school class will stay in church and the seniors will be acknowledged by their teachers.

Sunday, May 26-NO CLASS-Memorial Day-We will reconvene in September! Have a wonderful summer!

“Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6

Praying for a prosperous year of learning and growing in Our Faith, with love in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior,

Leslie Ullom, Director  Phone: (757) 477-6659

