Good afternoon St. Nicholas family!
We are blessed today with many online resources for our Orthodox Christian faith available in the English language. Please use these links below as opportunities to learn, to connect to liturgical services around the world, and to listen to Orthodox music. Included are also links to podcasts, prayers, and services that you can pray at home.
These are great resources to help you cultivate your "little church" at home!
Resource list:
1. Regularly updated list of resources including ways to stream online services, resources for children, and reflections on managing stress and anxiety.
2. Daily Orthodox scripture & saint readings
3. Orthodox prayers
4. Orthodox services - if you'd like to pray the Akathist or Paraklesis, for example
5. Excellent resource of Orthodox articles, writings of the saints, and lives of saints. Includes articles organized by topic.
6. Orthodox podcasts and blogs
7. Streaming Orthodox music and Orthodox radio
8. Video resources on Orthodoxy
9. Streaming services from Orthodox monasteries (services in English)